What is a Slot?


A slot is a small depression in the middle of a wooden bar or slat, used to slide or receive a piece. The word also has an etymological connection to deer track, as a bloodhound is said to follow the path of a wounded deer. In linguistics, slot is a common noun for hollow place. In archaeology, slots are found in ancient ruins.

The computer processors that are installed in a computer are connected to this opening by means of expansion slots. Using expansion cards, users can expand the capabilities of their computers. Almost all desktop computers contain a set of expansion slots so they can add new hardware capability as the need arises. In addition to the processors, expansion slots also serve as a place for memory. In recent years, computer manufacturers have redesigned computer hardware to include multiple expansion slots.

A slot is a noun that dates back to 1747. The meaning of slot is “to cut or provide with a slot.” By 1888, the meaning has extended to mean “dropping a coin into a slot”. In 1940, the meaning was changed to “take a position in a slot” and “fit something into a slot.” However, the oldest sense of the word is no longer used in English. In hockey, a slot is a narrow opening located between two faceoff circles. It is sometimes referred to as a scoring area.

In the NFL, the slot receiver is often mixed with the other receiver positions. They line up between the offensive tackle and the widest receiver and are often fast and in position to catch the ball. To protect the slot receiver, the slot cornerback covers him. The slot cornerback, in turn, is smaller and quicker than the wide receiver. It is essential to protect the slot receivers as often as possible. However, there is no rule that states that a slot receiver should be able to cover the slot corner.