Building a Poker Foundation
Before you start playing poker, you need to have a solid foundation. Poker is a lot like building a house. Before you can lay the frame and the foundation, you have to build the foundation. Here are some tips to…
The Basics of Playing Slots
The mechanical Slot evolved into the electrical Slot after the first mechanical machines were invented. While these machines look similar, they work differently. Instead of spinning reels manually, they are controlled by a central computer that performs a series of…
Casino Myths and Misconceptions
In the world of gambling, the word “casino” usually conjures up images of glitz and glamour. Movies like Ocean’s 11 have only heightened the perception of casinos. Moreover, the movies have also created a number of myths and misconceptions that…
The Rules of Poker
When you play poker, you share money with other players. There is no all-or-nothing strategy in poker, so players can win money and share it with others. One of the biggest benefits of poker is its simplicity. If you can…
Payouts, Symbols, and More
You’ve probably played at least one Slot machine at a casino. This simple machine accepts coins or paper tickets with barcodes. It uses a lever or button to spin the reels and award credits for winning combinations. The symbols on…
What is Casino Marketing and How Can it Help Your Casino?
One of the first questions any aspiring Casino marketer should ask is what is casino marketing. What is it and how can it help your casino? The answer is actually quite simple: casino marketing is all about attracting high rollers,…
What Determines the Winner of a Pot in Poker?
While the game of poker is played with any number of players, the optimal number is six to eight. The sum of all bets made by the players during a single deal is known as the pot. A player can…
What is a Slot?
The word “slot” is a noun that has been in use since 1747. It originally meant “to cut a slot in something,” but by 1888 it was understood to mean “to drop a coin in it.” In more recent years,…
21st Century Casino Security
The security of a Casino begins on the casino floor where employees keep a close eye on their employees and patrons. Dealers and other employees are usually focused on their own game, but can notice if a patron is cheating….
The Basics of Poker
A game of Poker requires four or more players to make a hand. The optimal number of players is six to eight. In this game, a player wins the pot when he has the highest-ranking poker hand or when another…