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21st Century Casino Security

The security of a Casino begins on the casino floor where employees keep a close eye on their employees and patrons. Dealers and other employees are usually focused on their own game, but can notice if a patron is cheating….


The Basics of Poker

A game of Poker requires four or more players to make a hand. The optimal number of players is six to eight. In this game, a player wins the pot when he has the highest-ranking poker hand or when another…


What is a Slot?

The word “slot” first appears in the late 14th century. It originally meant a hollow in the throat above the breastbone and derives from the Old French esclot, of uncertain origin. Another source for slot is the Old Norse word…


What to Know When Playing at a Casino

A casino is an establishment where people can gamble for real money. Many casinos today are fully automated, which makes it even safer. However, many people are suspicious of online casinos and don’t gamble unless they know the risks involved….


The Basics of Poker

The word “poker” is a combination of French and German, and most likely derives from “pocher,” which means card game. The exact origins of the game are contested. Some believe it has Persian origins; in fact, it may have been…


Slot Machine Features

When it comes to slot machines, there are a variety of features that set them apart from their counterparts. These features are what make certain slot games more interesting and entice players to spend money on them. Read on to…


How to Win at Casino Games

When it comes to playing online casino games, the world of the rich and famous is not far behind. There are already over 12 billion dollars generated annually through online casino games. This number is expected to rise over the…


The Basics of Poker

In poker, a player has three options: to check and fold, or to bluff. Checking and folding is the most common option, but bluffing can also be effective. Using your skills and luck, you can even win with bad hands….


The Meaning of Slot

The word “slot” dates back to the late fourteenth century and refers to the hollow on the breastbone or base of the throat. Its meaning is not entirely clear. It may have originated in Old French, but that’s not certain….


How Does a Casino Security System Work?

The security of a Casino depends on the way it pays attention to its patrons’ pain points. The casinos’ computer chips are constantly monitoring the behavior of their patrons, and they are sensitive to the signals that a player’s behavior…